After a short Hiatus, we’re in full steam getting Foibles ready for launch.
In the past weeks I’ve been focusing heavily on finishing the graphic design of the cards. We have an interesting design challenge where we need the words on the Foible cards to be easily visible in your hand and also from across the table.
It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be and a lot of time was used researching different games, learning how to use inDesign and general graphic design tips. Even though it’s not my field of expertise, I definitely feel proud with some of the results!
I’ve created a whole bunch of different designs so that we can have options to choose from. I took a lot of inspirations from Funemployed, particularly in Slant Clean, and I really like how the scenario looks. I really like the speech bubble Foibles in Simple Fun, but there is probably still work that needs to be done for the scenarios. I’m still undecided with which style to go for. On one hand, we have a clean style that looks more professional. On the other, we have a more fun style that fits morewith the theme of the game. I also creates a mode simple style, which reminds me a lot of Cards Against Humanity. It does look nice, but it
lacks a bit of personality IMO. I'm way more interested in what you have to think though! Let me know which in the comments.
Large pictures for easier viewing:
